Globals.h File Reference

#include "Defines.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


namespace  verve
namespace  verve::globals


real verve::globals::abs (real value)
real verve::globals::sqrt (real value)
real verve::globals::exp (real exponent)
real verve::globals::pow (real base, real exponent)
int verve::globals::roundToInt (real value)
real verve::globals::checkParamValid (real value, real rangeMin, real rangeMax, const std::string &callingFunction)
real verve::globals::calcDecayConstant (real decayPercent, real decayTime, real dt)
real verve::globals::calcDecayConstant (real timeConstant, real dt)
bool verve::globals::randomBool ()
int verve::globals::randomIntUniform (int min, int max)
real verve::globals::randomRealUniform (real min, real max)
real verve::globals::randomRealGauss (real variance)
real verve::globals::scaleZeroToOne (real value, real rangeMin, real rangeMax)
real verve::globals::scaleNegOneToOne (real value, real rangeMin, real rangeMax)
real VERVE_CALL verve::globals::getAttributeReal (const TiXmlNode *nodePtr, const std::string &name)
int VERVE_CALL verve::globals::getAttributeInt (const TiXmlNode *nodePtr, const std::string &name)
bool VERVE_CALL verve::globals::getAttributeBool (const TiXmlNode *nodePtr, const std::string &name)
std::string VERVE_CALL verve::globals::getAttributeString (const TiXmlNode *nodePtr, const std::string &name)

Generated on Tue Jan 24 21:46:38 2006 for Verve by  doxygen 1.4.6-NO