active: late 2004

Ray Tracing

Antialiasing, Area Lights, & Soft Shadows

For a homework assignment in a computer graphics class taught by Dr. Dirk Reiners, I implemented the core functionality of a ray tracer in C++. This included ray intersection tests with spheres, cones, cylinders, and triangles. I also added per-pixel antialiasing and area lights with soft shadows.

I later used much of this code to make a simple ray tracing benchmark program for QuickMP.

Metallic spheres with no antialiasing
Metallic spheres with no antialiasing
6X antialiasing
6X antialiasing
6X AA + 20 soft shadow rays per intersection
6X AA + 20 soft shadow rays per intersection
Metallic rings with no antialiasing
Metallic rings with no antialiasing
6X AA + 20 soft shadow rays per intersection
6X AA + 20 soft shadow rays per intersection